Tuesday 5 May 2009


Barely got home from delivering 2nd week of CSA boxes, when I got a call from someone in town who had a swarm of bees in their front yard! So I grabbed one of the empty CSA boxes still in the back of my truck, duct taped the handle holes closed and made Megan our daughter grab the camera and headed back into town to get the swarm! So here's the picture, even though you can't see much (swarm right above my hand in picture) I thought I'd best put it up since I made Megan go and take the picture and she got nailed in the cheek taking the picture! By nailed I mean stung! She was not too pleased with me! So I will put it out in hive in the morning. If you double click on the picture it will pop up enlarged in new window!


  1. How did you ever get them to go in the box???
    Pat and Hayward

  2. The bees are in a cluster around the queen and their main objective is to stay with her and protect her. I shook the branch real hard and the fell off into the box. No not every single bee did, but the majority did.

  3. yes, twice once under both arms. That was because I squished them when I put my arms down from holdin up the box!
