Wednesday 7 April 2010

Well more of those grafted tomato plants made it than we thought were going too! We've got tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, fennel, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, cardoon, kale sprouting in the green houses. Lettuces and radishes, peas and arugala are all sprouting in the hoop houses. We've got 750 lbs. of seed potatoes cut up and ready to plant. We've got onion beds made, just waiting on it to dry up so we can get outside! The peach trees are blooming and the strawberries are starting, too, but it's supposed to get cold a couple of nights this week, so that should be a fun time!! The barn swallows came back yesterday, that is when I'm officially ready to say Spring has arrived!!!!! The Red Bud trees are going to town and looking beautiful, and now the grass needs mowing!!!! The miracle of Spring! The other miracle is that I haven't killed or flooded anything in the hoop houses or green houses!!! (Just give me a little more time!)
The CSA memberships are slowly trickling in so if you are still thinking about it there is still room to sign on! We have not started delivery on them yet, and not yet sure when that will be but we will still deliver for 25 weeks whenever we do get started!

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