Tuesday 13 April 2010

Last night we finished planting the potatoes and onions!!!!!!! We planted Cobbler, Norvalley, Red Lasoda, Kennebec, Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold and Blue potatoes! We had 50 lbs. of seed potatoes for each variety except the blue which we did 25 lbs.! We planted a case of candy onions, they are the very sweet variety, and then 32 lbs of each yellow and white onion bulbs! My knees really hurt! The strawberries, and apples are blooming, the peaches are done blooming, the grass needs mowing...boy when Spring hits it's all out go!!!!!!!!!

We are still taking CSA memberships. It is slowly trickling in, but that is fine, we are still a few weeks away from delivery start up!

I stay busy keeping the hoop houses and green houses watered, making sure they are opened up during the day and closed down at night, don't want them getting too hot during the day or too cool at night! Always lots to remember to do after not having done it all winter, I'm good at forgetting things!

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