Monday 19 April 2010

We got tomatoes planted in our big hoop house this morning!!! Yeah!!! Now to keep them watered and remember to close the sides up in the evenings if it's too cool, and then remember to open them back up in the morning so they don't get cooked!!!! We planted more greens, radishes, peas & turnips outside in the front garden, but I've seen a rabbit in the front yard 3 days in a row now! He needs to go! Hopefully he'll not be careful when he's crossing the road...

Megan came home this weekend and her boyfriend came, too. So they worked on picking up the yard of sticks and getting my flower beds cleaned out. Then they helped us get the hoop house ready to plant tomatoes by helping us lay drip tape and plastic mulch!! Megan is mowing the yard as I type! She also got the windows taken out of the chicken house and opened up the top window in the loft so they can now get fresh air circulating through!

We've been having good market days at the Columbia Farmers' Market. I need to bag up more dried apples and make some more jams & jellies. This last Sat. we sold 33 jars of jam! The only thing we are not selling much of is eggs!!!!!! And I really need to move some eggs. Guess I will take another load to Serve tomorrow! I have no refrigerator space left for them. We are getting about 17 dozen a day! I also need egg cartons, so if you have any or know of anyone with some, please let me know!!!!!

Speaking of eggs I'm going to put a couple of egg recipes on the recipe page, so take a look! According to the Spring issue of taste of home's healthy cooking magazine eggs are high in choline, folate, iron & zinc, & they're known to help muscle strength, brain function & even eye health-all for about 70 calories each. The American Heart Association suggests those with heart disease limit egg yolks to 2 per week.

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