Monday 12 October 2009

Well frost has hit! We got a touch of frost on Friday night. It got our eggplant and some of the peppers. So Saturday we covered the rest of the peppers to try to save them as there are lots of green peppers out there yet. We closed up the hoop house with tomatoes in it so they are fine. I have to check the peppers today to see if they are all right.

Saturday Greg had a decent day, but the Hatton Fall Craft Festival was the same day and that always affects that weekend! I went over and helped him set up, but then I came back as there was an auction I wanted to go to. We went to another auction Sunday looking for a walk-in cooler, but they told people that they had to get it out of there that day, and there was no way to get it tore down and hauled off that quick! It really killed Greg, because it went very very cheap!!

We've been working on chicken houses! We have baby chicks coming in a few days, so we have to move chickens around and empty out one of the little chicken houses and get the brooder set up with lights and heaters. We got the window panes put back in the big chicken house, fans unplugged and put away, getting it ready for winter. Still need to close up the top windows in the attic, but will wait a little bit on that, that makes the guineas upset as they like to get up there and look out and watch everything and be protected!

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