Tuesday 6 October 2009

Today the full shares will be getting eggs, applesauce bread, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, eggplant, cucumbers, summer squash, cushaw (winter squash), radishes, mini cabbage, peppers and onions. The half shares will be getting eggs, applesauce bread, tomatoes, apples, eggplant, acorn squash (winter squash), radishes, peppers, sweet potatoes and onions.

This is the 24th week of the CSA, only one more week to go. Today there will be a survey in your box, we'd appreciate it if you would take time to fill it out and return it in your box next week, or you can mail it to us if you like. We would like to have every one's input so that we can plan better for next year and make any changes if necessary! We would like to expand the program next year so if you know of anyone that might be interested you can jot their name and number on the survey, that way when we have our winter meeting we can call them and include them.

Yesterday we put another bushel of apples in the dehydrator and dug some more sweet potatoes. We have another row and a half left to dig.

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