Thursday 17 September 2009

Yesterday was errand day and catch up day, but I didn't get any house work done or the lawn mowed, which needs it badly!!!! I worked on getting a trailer load of hay to a guy in Millersburg and he wanted some veggies. That pretty much took all morning. I had to air the tire up on the trailer, get it hooked up and to the barn under the hay mound door, which took several times of backing, which I can not do!!! So I never got it as close to the door as I wanted, so when I went to throw out the hay some of it missed the trailer! And the hay is 20 years old so all the twine on the bales was rotten and broke! But I finally got it all in the trailer and tramped down and the tarp put on and delievered!

By the time I got home it was noon so I got cleaned up (again) and went back to town to go to the bank and grocery store, back home to put groceries away.

Our little dog Sassy had a vet appointment at 2:15p.m. so I loaded her up to go back to town and while I was putting her in the van Shadow our big black dog decided he wanted to go and jumped in too! I could not get him out as he laid down and when he thinks you're mad at him he will not do anything you tell him to do! At the moment he's one big massive cockle bur as he's been out back chasing rabbits, so I didn't want to try to pick him up, so he rode to town with us!

After the vet visit I then had to go out to the feed store to get dog food, water softener salt, and a bag of oats. Get home and unload everything and put it away, by then it's about 3:40p.m. I still haven't cleaned yesterdays eggs and put them away, so I worked on that. Greg gets home at 4:00p.m and asks have you checked the tomatoes in the dehydrator? Shoot!!!! We look at them and most of them are now black!

Greg worked on spraying the tomatoes in the hoop house. They still have lots of little green tomatoes, so we are hoping there will be tomatoes late. Today is baking day, so I'd better hop to it. Maybe later I can get the yard mowed?!

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