Thursday, 11 June 2009

Yesterday was errand day, clean the house day, laundry day, etc. Greg & I got a new bed and that was delivered yesterday, so we played musical beds getting rid of an old twin bed that Greg had in collage, and moving our old bed into the spare bedroom, which meant a lot of vacuuming and rearranging! Then when Greg got home we did a lot of measuring from the barn to this hydrant, the hoop house to that field, this field to that field, etc. as we are looking at putting in a automatic water system. That way I won't have to remember to go out and turn this water on to that field and run only 1 hour (not all afternoon) and switching valves to water another area and forgetting to turn the hydrant back on! Or keeping track of which area was watered on which day, and whose turn is next, etc.!!!!!! Greg says it will all be on timers, and will switch valves and everything by itself! That way we can also water 24-7! It's the pits to wake up in the middle of the night and remember that you left a hydrant on somewhere and have to go out and turn it off!

Today was baking day for farmers market. So while I did that the guys cleaned house, delivered eggs, took the recycling to town, ran water in the hoop houses and one did his laundry! I filled up 10 more trays with dirt to start fall tomatoes and pulled and cut out weeds along the backyard fence. Found some poison ivy in there, so when I finished I took a good long shower! I sure hope I don't break out in that stuff! While I was outside working Joe wrapped and labeled all the baked goods for me. I hate that job!

I signed up another full share CSA member today. That puts us up to 25 half shares and 10 full shares for a total of 35 members! That really beat our expectations for our first year of this new venture! So I just want to thank all of our members for their support and enthusiasm, because a lot of this was by word of mouth from you to your friends and co workers, etc.!

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