Well Monday night our thermometer said 27 degrees! So not sure how everything is going to fare. I don't think we lost all the peaches, just have to wait and see. Our row cover we tried to put over a few trees blew off, was just too windy, actually it tore in two! Anyway yesterday and today we are working at taking all the row cover off of everything! Got the strawberries uncovered, they should be fine. Uncovered all the onions and leeks yesterday. Today I'm working on uncovering all the blueberries, again they look like they should be O.K. they are just barely beginning to bud, but we just wanted to be careful, and so we covered everything we could! It is a job to unpin all the row cover and then roll it all back up, and cart it back to the barn! Greg tore down the sprinkler system he had rigged up over the strawberries, and decided that they would work on the potato field instead of laying drip tape, so we'll have to get that set up later.
Tammy - hope the freeze didn't hurt you. I think my farmers made it through the weather ok, though the strawberries will be late. My peach orchardist said mother nature just saved him some thinning work.