Tuesday 20 September 2011

These have been trying times in more ways than one. I had to close down our CSA operation because of some family issues that I needed more time to deal with. The summer heat and lack of rain was hard on produce. Our dried bean crop was a total failure, we had no zucchini or cucumbers. Our field tomatoes did not do the best either. When the temperature gets over 90 degrees the blooms drop off and do not set fruit. Greg did start digging the sweet potatoes and they look to be promising. Will be anxious to see how some of the new varieties that we planted will do, and how well people will respond to them. He also got the strawberry tips that we had rooted earlier planted. We are getting okra still and the peppers and eggplant that we planted in the hoop house are really doing well. We have not started to pick any winter squash or pumpkins yet, but they don't look like they did really well either. This is the fun and frustration of farming. To be a farmer you have to be an eternal optimist, because you are always hoping that next year will be a better year than the last!

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