Wednesday 13 July 2011

It's been a while since I've last posted, sorry. We've been plodding along. A couple of weeks ago we had a storm that tore the plastic off our large hoop house with tomatoes in it. Now when people ask how they are grown, we can truly tell them they are outside! We've been digging on the potatoes and using Greg's new potato digger. It works pretty well, but we still have to do some digging to get the little ones out. We've got one of the little hoop houses planted with peppers and eggplant for late fall production, hopefully! The CSA boxes have been getting blackberries, carrots, fennel, basil, kohlrabi, lettuce, okra, tomatoes, peppers, leeks and potatoes. Hopefully soon we will have some summer squash.

At least today it has cooled off after an evening thunderstorm yesterday. That 96-98 degrees and humidity is brutal! Hopefully this reprieve will last a bit longer! Green beans are blooming, but things won't set when it's so hot. Hopefully everyone out there is keeping cool in all this heat.

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